Thursday, May 13, 2010

I am the very last.

"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:9-10

service. something that I am constantly being convicted of. But it's not just about serving. It's serving with a joyful heart. gosh that's something that I struggle with.

One night in Africa this past summer, me and one other girl were asked to make the sandwiches for all the girls in our villa while they had to watch a video. no big deal right? well each girl is required to make 9 sandwiches a night. so adding it all up, that was 81 sandwiches for us to make. you better believe it took us the entire time everybody was gone to make them. we even packaged them up neatly and wrote their names on each bag so they would know the next morning which bag belonged to which girl.

When all the girls came home we were so excited to share with them that we had finished and cleaned up and everything! I hate to say that nobody cared, but honestly nobody cared. not one girl said thank you. not one girl even blinked an eye to all the work we put in to making their sandwiches. I mean they asked us to do it and therefore they expected us to do it. So if it was expected then what's the big deal?

Let me tell you, there was grumbling. I did this great deed that took all night and not the slightest appreciation was given.

um.. can we talk about selfish? yeah I'm a little ashamed of my behavior.

I had forgotten what it means to serve. It's not about the thanks at the end or the applause or the pat on the backs. It's not about what you get from it or being recognized for the good you did. It's about God. It's about representing Christ as we walk daily. All praise should go to Him.

"whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies- in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11

This year our theme for Africa is JOY. While yes it does mean letting the joy of the Lord be our strength, it's also an acronym. It stands for Jesus, Others, You. Delight in Jesus first. Serve others second. and third. and fourth. and fifth. and on and on. Don't ever stop serving others. If you're serving the Lord like you're supposed to joy will be there.

So be last. Put yourself at the back of the line. Sit out a game or two. Let somebody else have your turn. Clean up after your roommates. Go the extra 5 minutes to drop a friend off across town. Just stop centering life around yourself because there is no joy in that. There is no life in that. There is nothing in that.

Thank You Jesus for being a servant first so that we have the absolute perfect example of what it looks like.

To You be the glory and dominion forever and ever. amen.

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