Sunday, July 19, 2009

no big deal, our bus just ran over a goat.

So we finally made it to camp! We got in later than we thought so we went straight to the informational meeting with all the other american volunteers. It was actually a pretty sad meeting for me because Greer informed us that for the alumni we would not be getting our same partners as last year. If any of you know my story from last year, I absolutely loved my partner. Me and Kelvin seriously became the best of friends. We emailed all throughout the year. Well apparently Greer says that if we give too much attention to the Zambians like that or give them money to go to school or while we're here take them to eat over the weekends that they become boastful toward the other zambians, claiming that the americans love them most. They also stop listening to their bosses and other types of people in authority. I just honestly couldn't picture Kelvin acting like though. He is one of the most humble people I have ever met. But I guess Greer has been doing this longer than me so I should respect his decision, but it makes me sad still.

so anyways I forgot to mention our amazing 7 hour bus ride. It started out with our new friend Neville picking us up at the zambezi sun. (He was the only who drove us to bungee and hung around a bit to make sure we knew what we were doing) so he took us to the bus stop and we of course took a pic with him and wished him the best! We then get on the bus and there is a man in my seat! So we try to be nice and say that its our seat and he basically just said no and kept reading his newspaper. so we just decided to sit across the row but of course that was somebody else's seat so we had to move. I then go back to the man and show him my ticket and he shows me his and sure enough they are both seat 9. The only difference is his was for the day before. When i told him that he didnt really seem to care. So obviously my reaction is just to look at andrew so he can solve this problem for me! He went and talked to the bus driver and got the man another seat and everything was worked out! Well our bus driver was very honk happy. everytime we passed another car, everytime there was a person in the road, everytime an animal was in the road. basically every 30 seconds. there was this one particular time about 4 hours into our trip where he is just honking away and then all of there was a thud. Yeah we definitely hit a goat. and not just a baby goat, yeah it was pretty large. Don't worry the bus was ok though haha

so even though kelvin isnt my partner, i did get to see him today!! it was the sweetest reuinion ever!!!! when i saw him i just sprinted towards him and it was just so good! i really have missed him so much! and i could tell the feeling was mutual. We will have to try to find some time to sneak away and catch up on our lives! it seriously was the best moment so far. I'm really thankful that i got to see him again!

my new partner's name is paul. He is 19 and very nice. He seems a little shy so i am hoping he comes out of his shell tomorrow for our first day of camp. He has never been a partner but always a helper so hopefully all goes well! I know God has purpose in this match so I am really trying hard to believe in that!

Tonight's dinner and ministry project pretty much rocked. the BAG force and the Utz family sat together and pretty much dominated every other table making the necklaces for our kids. Was it a competion you ask? no but naturally we made it one.

well camp starts tomorrow! I'm very excited to see my boys again! today was very good for me. I was feeling a bit frustrated that nothing was the same as it was last year but after church and getting to sing the songs for camp, I really remembered what it's all about. and i obviously know that its going to be nothing like last year but its still going to be amazing!

love and miss everybody <3

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